
  1. 大理石产品:做好隔热处理:不要让85°以上的物体直接接触大理石;当高温物体接触大理石时,需添加隔热垫,防止台面褪色或破裂。
  2. 布艺沙发的保养、清洁:在清洗沙发护套后需要注意,不是所有的护套都能熨烫的。有些弹性护套是必须避免熨烫的,即使要熨也要考虑布料的外观,熨护套内侧会比较合适,如果护套是棉质,则更不适宜熨烫。
  3. 皮质保养:先用干净的软布将灰尘净,再将软用1:10肥皂水或1:20的洗发水溶液浸湿拧干后,轻轻擦拭污渍处。





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Custom made thinking about the indefatigable travellers around the world, Globe is the first container unit to enter Gufram’s limited collection. It is a kind of secret chest where you can store the most vivid memories, the most tangible mementoes, and the most precious souvenirs of the experiences accumulated in your travels to the four corners of the globe. The narrative register of this new Gufram Multiple is to open its doors and to discover where the roads have taken you.

Studio Job - created by Smeets and Nynke Tynagel - has conceived this small closet by giving a different and personal interpretation to the Gufram universe: they have isolated softness in the polyurethane foam globe set at the heart of the project.

The surprise effect is thus even stronger and more intense. The vaguely charted earth, coloured by the different continents and set at the centre of the closet, is as a matter of fact made of a material soft to the touch. A choice which is decidedly coherent with Gufram’s production and attitude, and destined to amaze with a touch of unexpected subtle irony. If, on the other hand, you are not regular travellers, you can always use Globe as your personal spaceJtime transporter; you can close your eyes, stroke the whole world and imagine to be running in the desert, kissed by the sun of Latin America, captivated by the deepest jungle, sitting at a Mitteleuropean café, or lost in an Asian metropolis after having surfed the ocean waves. 
